Foreigners establish software companies in Vietnam

Foreigners establish software companies in Vietnam

DMS Lawyers in Danang, Vietnam advise for foreign individuals invest, set up software development companies in Da Nang, Vietnam ?

Set up a software company in Da Nang, Viet Nam:

Individuals who are foreign nationals (the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Poland, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other countries) can carry out procedures to apply for an Investment Registration Certificate and establish a company operating in the software industry in Da Nang, Vietnam;

The software sector:

- Software writing, editing, testing and support services according to each customer's specific usage requirements;

- Software consulting and system consulting services;

- Services to fix computer problems and install software;

- Management consulting services for information technology companies (excluding accounting, legal, and tax consulting).

Tax preferences for software companies in Vietnam:

Software production is an industry, occupation with special investment incentives in Vietnam;

Enterprises, companies operating in the software sector are eligible for the Corporate Income Tax (CIT) exemption, reduction and preferential tax rates of for up to 15 years.

Related requirements:

- Copies of a valid passport;

- A proof of funds such as a bank account confirmation document (A written statement from a bank that confirms the deposit balance of the customer's account);

- An office rental agreement.

Legal bases:

- Law on Investment No. 61/2020/QH14 dated 17 June 2020;

- Decree No. 31/2021/NĐ-CP dated 26 March 2021;

- Circular No. 03/2021/TT-BKHĐT dated 09 April 2021.

Scope of work:

Foreign nationals can use the service "establishing a software company in Da Nang, Vietnam", by signing a legal service contract with DMS; the scope of work that DMS is obliged to perform according to the contract is as follows:

- Give legal advice, guidance on providing information and related documents; draft and provide guidance on the dossier;

- Act as an authorized representative to work with authorities in Vietnam;

- Submit dossiers, receive and hand over results./.

Contact information:

Phone: 0989 157 682





Lawyer Do Minh Son


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