Criteria of a director of a language center in Vietnam

Criteria of a director of a language center in Vietnam

DMS Law firm in Danang, Vietnam advises about the criteria that a director of a foreign language center must satisfy ?

Criteria of a director of a language center

A director of a language center must have good political credentials and ethics, managerial capability, has a Bachelor’s Degree in foreign languages, has at least 3 years’ experience in education and be appointed by the deciding agency (applicable to a state-funded language center) or recognized by the deciding agency (applicable to a private center).

The Director of the center shall administer, be responsible before law and be held accountable to the senior managing agency for the center’s operation. The tenure of a Director is 5 years.

With regard to private centers, the years of age of a Director at the first appointment shall not exceed 65.

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DMS Law firm in Vietnam
Lawyer Do Minh Son


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