Papers valid to prove Vietnamese nationality
Is the Birth certificate one of the papers valid to prove Vietnamese nationality?
People who have Vietnamese nationality
Are Overseas Vietnamese who have not yet lost their Vietnamese nationality considered as still having Vietnamese nationality?
The order and procedure for issuance of a Certificate of Vietnamese Nationality
A person requesting the issuance of a Certificate of Vietnamese nationality will prepare 01 dossier set, including a Declaration according to the prescribed form, with 2 photos 4x6 taken within the last 6 months and copies of papers proving Vietnamese nationality. What are these?
Fees for certifying Vietnamese Nationality
What are the fee levels for procedures for registration and confirmation of Vietnamese nationality and people of Vietnamese origin?
The order and procedure for issuance of a Certificate of Vietnamese Origin
The person requesting the issuance of a Certificate of Vietnamese Origin must prepare a dossier set, including a Declaration according to the prescribed form, with 2 photos 4x6 taken within the last 6 months and copies of previously issued papers to prove that the person once had Vietnamese nationality. What are these?
Conditions for being permitted to get Vietnamese naturalization
Do foreign nationals or foreign citizens who are spouses, biological parents or biological children of Vietnamese citizens applying for Vietnamese naturalization have to renounce their foreign nationality?
Dossiers on application for Vietnamese naturalization
Foreign nationals or foreign citizens who are spouses, biological parents or biological children of Vietnamese citizens applying for Vietnamese naturalization are exempted from certain conditions for Vietnamese naturalization; what are the documents corresponding to the exempted conditions?
The order and procedures for processing dossiers on application for Vietnamese naturalization
In cases where the person applying for Vietnamese naturalization meets the conditions for Vietnamese naturalization, are the Chairperson of the Provincial-level People's Committee and the Ministry of Justice responsible for reporting to the Prime Minister to submit to the State President for consideration and decision?
Signature Authentication Procedures
When requesting signature authentication, what are the documents that the person requesting signature certification need to present?
Cases in which signature authentication is not permitted
If papers and documents contain contents of a contract or transaction, can signature authentication be carried out?
Signature authentication fees
Does the person requesting authentication have to pay authentication fees and what are the fee collection levels for signature certification according to the law provisions?
Procedures for authenticating copies from originals in Vietnam
Procedures for authenticating copies of Passports or papers or documents of foreigners in Vietnam, for use in Vietnam?
Fees for authenticating copies from originals in Vietnam
Fees for authenticating copies of passports or other papers and documents of foreigners in Vietnam, for use in Vietnam?
Original documents and papers that must not be used as a basis for authenticating copies in Vietnam
If the original document of the person requesting authentication is erased, corrected, added, or removed contents illegally, can it be used as a basis for authenticating copies in Vietnam?
Fees for authentication of signatures in Vietnam
A person requesting authentication of his/her signatures on papers and documents in a foreign language at an agency with the competence and responsibility for authentication in Vietnam, such as: a Department of Justice or Commune-level People's Committee or Notary Bureau or Notary Office in Vietnam, must pay authentication fees according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?
Procedures for authentication of signatures in Vietnam
A person requesting authentication of his/her signature must present documents such as: the original or authenticated copy of a valid identity card or passport; and the documents and papers that he/she will sign?
Cases in which authentication of signatures is not permitted in Vietnam
In which cases, according to the provisions of Vietnamese law, an agency with the competence and responsibility for authenticating signatures or the person performing the authentication is not permitted to authenticate signatures in Vietnam?
English translation of Vietnamese legal normative documents
Can Vietnamese legal normative documents be translated into English or other foreign languages and is the translation valid for reference according to the provisions of Vietnamese law?