Foreigners applying for Vietnamese naturalization

05 Dec, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Can a foreign citizen permanently residing in Vietnam who applies for Vietnamese naturalization be granted Vietnamese citizenship?

Advising on the dossier template, order and procedure for a foreigner whose wife is a Vietnamese citizen applying for Vietnamese naturalization

04 Dec, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Can a foreigner residing permanently in Vietnam who applies for Vietnamese naturalization be granted Vietnamese citizenship?

Law on Investment in the form of public-private partnership No. 64/2020/QH14 dated June 18, 2020

25 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Translate the Law on Investment in the form of public-private partnership No. 64/2020/QH14 dated June 18, 2020, from Vietnamese into English specialized in Law

Law on Electronic Transactions No. 20/2023/QH15 dated June 22, 2023

25 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Translate the Law on Electronic Transactions No. 20/2023/QH15 dated June 22, 2023, from Vietnamese into English specialized in Law

An English translation of the Law on Investment in the form of public-private partnership No. 64/2020/QH14 dated June 18, 2020

24 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

A translation, specialized in Law, from Vietnamese into English of the Law on Investment in the form of public-private partnership No. 64/2020/QH14 dated June 18, 2020

An English translation of the Law on Electronic Transactions No. 20/2023/QH15 dated June 22, 2023

24 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

A translation, specialized in Law, from Vietnamese into English of the Law on Electronic Transactions No. 20/2023/QH15 dated June 22, 2023

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use abroad

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in Singapore

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in Japan

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in the USA

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in Canada

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in France

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

Certification of papers and documents that are not eligible for consular certification in Vietnam

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

What is the competent agency to certify papers and documents that are not eligible for consular certification in Vietnam?

Consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents in foreign countries

22 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

How to carry out consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents so that they can be recognized and used abroad?

The dossier template, order and procedure for consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use abroad

21 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

The dossier template, order and procedure for consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in Singapore

21 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

The dossier template, order and procedure for consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in Japan

21 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?

The dossier template, order and procedure for consular certification of Vietnamese papers and documents for use in the USA

21 Oct, 2024// Category: 23_JUSTICE

Does consular certification only certify the seal, signature, and title on Vietnamese papers and documents?