The Labor Code in Vietnam

The Labor Code in Vietnam No. 10/2012/QH13 dated June 18, 2012, took effect on May 01, 2013 (replaced the Labour Code dated June 23, 1994, the Labour Code No. 35/2002/QH10, the Labour Code No. 74/2006/QH11 and the Labour Code No. 84/2007/QH11).

Unilateral Termination of a labor contract in Vietnam ?

I am an expat working at a foreign invested company in Da nang, Vietnam. Due to some personal reasons, I want to terminate my labor contract with the current employer ? Law office in Danang, Vietnam advise about an employee can unilaterally terminate a labour contract  in Vietnam ? 

Wages for overtime work and night work in Vietnam ?

I am working in a 100% FDI Company in Danang, Vietnam. Recently, the company asked me to work overtime on weekends ? Law office in Danang advise on wage for overtime work ?

Labor contract in Vietnam

Attorneys in Danang, Vietnam advise about labour contract in Vietnam ?

Probation period for new employees in Vietnam ?

I am an expat living in Danang, Vietnam. I am negotiating a labour contract with a Vietnamese employer. Their offer include 2 months probation with 85% of gross salary ? Lawyers in Danang advise about me if this is in line with laws in Vietnam ?

Part-time employees in Vietnam

I am teaching at an English center in Danang, Vietnam as a full-time employee (less than a year). I want to re-negotiate my labour contract as a part-time employee but still enjoy the same rights and obligations as a full-time employee ? Law office in Danang, Vietnam advise about part-time employees ?